
STrauma Landschaftsarchitektur Berlin landscape architects KOBOLD_Logo

A good structure is so important to us because we are committed to delivering high-quality work to our clients. Since there is always someone going on vacation, on parental leave or falling ill, it is crucial to have an effective organizational structure. Our team members organize themselves quickly and can deputize each other seamlessly. The use of standardized processes and of practical templates enables a high level of professionalism with ease. It is good to know that everything is located in a place where it can be found easily by everyone.

STrauma Landschaftsarchitektur Berlin landscape architects QM

QM Certification

STrauma Landschaftsarchitektur Berlin landscape architects QM Zertifikat
STrauma Landschaftsarchitektur Berlin landscape architects Think tank

Technical equipment

Hardware 1 server network with 21 PC stations & 15 notebooks
Periphery 1 plotter A0
1 printer b/w A4
1 work centre (email, fax, printer, scanner)
2 work scanners
1 TV flat screen
Software Operating system: Windows 10
MS Office 2013, 2016, Office 365
Drafting software:
AutoCad, AutoTurn, Revit, Vectorworks 2019, SketchUp Pro, DWG-Viewer
Adobe Creative Suite:
Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effects
Cost management:, STLB Bau
Project and meeting planning:
MS Project
Kobold Control
Data exchange DWG- / DXF- / GAEB-Formate
Communication ftp-server, terminal server, email
Client database Infodesk with DMS
Data backup Hard drive
Antivirus G DATA
Plotting service Repromanager from Reproplan